Life in a Day films allow you to have an intimate collection of special moments...
The magic of childhood captured through your child's eyes and dreams. Wisdom and stories from our elders - Grandma and Pa. Nerves and joy from a soon to be mother, or bride, or graduate. A special hello to overseas relatives.
Life in a Day captures the secret, whispered thoughts of our inner world and intimate moments in a visually poetic way, for you to have forever.
With years of experience as a filmmaker and with the latest technology, let Andrew create something unique for you and or your loved ones to cherish. Andrew will reveal and visualise a deeper more intimate postcard of your life in a day. One day to chat and film, and one day to edit. Then presented on DVD, QuickTime, or and any format you wish. Includes outtakes.
If you would like a chat or a quote call Andrew 61 3 (0) 407 534 020